As a freelancer, you know how important deposits are. After all, if you don’t get that deposit upfront, then chances are the client isn’t serious about working with you. Unfortunately, there have been times when new clients have asked you to start work without paying a deposit. So what do you do? Here are some tips on how to respond and make sure that your money is safe.
Set Clear Expectations
It’s important to set clear expectations with any client before beginning a project. Make sure they understand the importance of paying a deposit and what it will cover. Explain that the deposit is nonrefundable and ensures that both parties are committed to the project. If they still don’t want to pay one, then explain why it’s necessary for your business and why it will benefit them as well. Be firm but polite—you want them to understand why this is important without offending them in any way.
Be Prepared To Walk Away
Sometimes clients can be difficult and won’t budge even when faced with logical arguments explaining why they should pay a deposit. In cases like these, be prepared to walk away from the project if they won’t agree to your terms. It might seem counterintuitive at first, but not every client is worth your time or energy—especially those who won’t agree to reasonable terms like paying an upfront deposit before starting work on their project. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of; instead, focus on finding more reliable clients who respect your business practice and value your services enough to pay a fair deposit fee upfront.

Negotiate Payment Terms
If you need the job badly enough or feel like the client might be willing to negotiate payment terms, then try negotiating with them instead of walking away from the project altogether. Perhaps they could pay half up front and half at completion of the job, or maybe some other arrangement would work better for both parties involved? Be open-minded about this option so that everyone can come away happy. Whatever you decide upon should still include some form of payment upfront since this shows commitment from both parties involved in the transaction.
🍩 Just the sprinkles
When working with new clients as a freelancer, it’s essential that you protect yourself by insisting on an upfront payment (or at least partial payment) before beginning work on their project. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of by someone who doesn’t respect your time or your business practices! Set clear expectations with new clients regarding deposits and payment terms in order to ensure that everyone involved understands what needs to happen in order for the projectto succeed—and also make sure that you get paid! If push comes to shove and negotiations fail, then don’t hesitate to walk away from projects with uncooperative clients who won’t adhere to reasonable payment terms upfront—your time is too valuable for such nonsense!