Empowering the Freelance Community: The Freelancers Union Advocacy in NYC

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A deep dive into the Freelancers Union's advocacy for independent workers in New York City, and how their endorsement of certain candidates in the upcoming City Council primary election could bring about significant changes for freelancers.


As a freelancer, I’ve always been passionate about the rights and well-being of independent workers. Recently, I’ve been particularly inspired by the work of the Freelancers Union, a support system for all independent workers. Their mission is to promote the interests of independent workers through advocacy, education, and services. They build novel solutions to support independent workers so they can be secure and thrive, no matter how they work.

One of their latest initiatives is advocating for the rights and well-being of independent workers in New York City by endorsing a group of outstanding candidates for the upcoming City Council primary election. These candidates have pledged to support and empower freelancers in a number of ways.

Reducing the Monetary Threshold for Coverage Under the Freelance Isn’t Free Act

One of the key pledges made by these candidates is to reduce the monetary threshold for coverage under the Freelance Isn’t Free Act. This is a significant move that could greatly benefit freelancers, as it would mean that more freelancers would be covered by the protections offered by the Act.

Currently, the Act only applies to contracts of $800 or more. However, many freelancers work on smaller contracts, and thus are not covered by the Act. By reducing the monetary threshold, more freelancers would be protected from non-payment and late payment, which are common issues faced by freelancers.

Regulating Covenants Not to Compete for Freelance Workers

Another pledge made by the candidates is to regulate covenants not to compete for freelance workers. These covenants can often be restrictive and unfair, preventing freelancers from taking on other work in their field. By regulating these covenants, freelancers would have more freedom to take on the work they want, and to build their businesses as they see fit.

This is a significant step towards empowering freelancers, and it’s something that I’m personally very excited about. As a freelancer, I know how important it is to have the freedom to take on the work that I want, and to not be restricted by unfair covenants.

Recognizing April as Freelancers Appreciation Month in New York City

Finally, the candidates have pledged to recognize April as Freelancers Appreciation Month in New York City. This is a wonderful initiative that would give freelancers the recognition they deserve, and would help to raise awareness of the important role that freelancers play in our economy.

As a freelancer, I’m thrilled at the prospect of having a month dedicated to appreciating freelancers. It’s a great way to celebrate the contributions of freelancers, and to highlight the importance of supporting and empowering the freelance community.


The Freelancers Union is doing incredible work in advocating for the rights and well-being of independent workers in New York City. By endorsing candidates who have pledged to support and empower freelancers, they are demonstrating the power of the freelance community. I encourage everyone to get out and vote in the upcoming City Council primary election, to show your support for the freelance community.

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