The Top Ten Ways to Deal with Imposter Syndrome as a Freelancer

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Imposter syndrome: we’ve all been there. That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize that everyone around you is smarter, more talented, and just generally better at freelancing than you are. If you’re currently experiencing imposter syndrome, don’t worry—you’re not alone. In fact, nearly 70% of people have felt like an imposter at some point in their lives.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to deal with imposter syndrome and live your best freelancing life. Here are the top ten ways to deal with imposter syndrome as a freelancer:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings:

The first step to dealing with imposter syndrome is acknowledging that you’re feeling it in the first place. Once you’ve identified the feeling, you can begin to work through it.

2. Talk to Someone You Trust:

Once you’ve acknowledged your feelings, it’s important to talk to someone about them—preferably someone who knows you well and can offer some helpful insights. Talking openly about your imposter syndrome can help you gain some much-needed perspective.

3. Write Down Your Accomplishments:

Another way to combat imposter syndrome is by writing down your accomplishments—both big and small. Seeing your successes in black and white can help remind you that you are capable of great things.

4. Make a Plan:

Once you’ve taken stock of your accomplishments, it’s time to start thinking about what you want to achieve next. Making a plan and setting some goals for yourself can help give you a sense of purpose and direction—two things that are essential for combating imposter syndrome.

5. Find a Mentor:

finding a mentor—someone who is more experienced than you and who can offer guidance and support—can be invaluable when dealing with imposter syndrome. A mentor can provide helpful feedback, offer advice, and serve as a sounding board when needed.

6. Join a Community:

another great way to deal with imposter syndrome is by joining a community of like-minded individuals—such as a professional association or online group. Surrounding yourself with others who understand what you’re going through can make the challenges of freelancing feel a little less daunting.

7. Take Small Steps:

When facing down imposter syndrome, it’s important to remember that progress doesn’t happen overnight; instead, it happens one small step at a time. So instead of trying to accomplish everything all at once, focus on taking smaller steps that will get you closer to your goal.

8. Be Willing to Fail:

One of the hardest things about being a freelancer is that there’s no safety net—which means failure is always a possibility (albeit a remote one). But instead of being afraid of failure, view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. After all, every setback is an opportunity to come back even stronger than before.

9. Reward Yourself!:

Because freelancing can be such an isolating experience, it’s important to make sure you take the time to celebrate your successes—no matter how small they may be! Whether it’s buying yourself a new book or taking yourself out for coffee, make sure you reward yourself for a job well done. You deserve it!

10. Focus on What You Can Control:

When all else fails and imposter syndrome has got you feeling down, remember this: the only thing in life we can control is ourselves and our own actions. So instead of worrying about things beyond your control (like what other people think), focus on what YOU can do to move forward in your career..      

If you follow these ten tips, you’ll be well on your way towards banishing imposter syndrome for good!

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